Gold market analysis January Chief, 24th day: gold into short-term weakness, crunch expected pressure on successive _ blue fairy
China'wrongful death attorneys floridas National Bureau of statistics Announces 2010 GDP growth 10.3%, a two-digit growth, inspire confidence in their global economic recovery are obvious. Also announced in December 2010 CPI rose 4.6%, increase in the Chinese Central Bank will raise interest rates again expected. At the same time, the "BRICS" India and Brazil also beset by high inflation, short-term capital in the face of intense or suppress further rise in commodity prices, which weighed on the price of gold. after the successful auction of bonds in Europe last week, a little calm does not have a greater economic event occurs, the EU way of meeting was to discuss resolution of debt crises in Europe, but there is no tangible results. United States, China's President Hu Jintao's successful visit to contact us for the further improvement of bilateral relations and has played a significant role in promoting, and substantial cooperation project highlights and important impact on the global political economy.����United States last week's early decline in unemployment assistance, more number of continued unempHelp Desk Tracking Softwareloyment allowance is the lowest since October 08, boost market risk appetite, equally to gold constitutes a crackdown. For now, gold prices in the short term disadvantage is all too obvious, and key to supporting gold prices was also previously the author repeatedly referred to countries and regions in the world after the economic crisis has to face the problem of inflation, this is not currently the recent tightening alone can be completely suppressed. As the United States the gradual implementation of the quantitative easing policy, but also in the dollar index, breaking down sharply under gold prices remains the medium-term bullish trend. technical analysis of contour, averages below 18 weeks, further weakening trend. Recommends that the Bulls with minimum position, wait for a clear signal to cite jiancang.����Short holder will further continue to the next. Date line, below 100-day moving average lines, and every oapplication business card creditther day to confirm, did not recover to above the 100-day moving average, in the short term a further decrease in trend, long proposed to lower positions. �����ص��ע1��ŷԪ��wbr> 11�¹�ҵ���� ��01��24��18��00��2���� ��wbr>1�������ɵ���������ҵָ��wbr> ��01��25�� 23��00��3���� ��wbr>12���������������껯 ��01��26�� 23��00��4���� ��wbr>12������Ʒ���� ��01��27�� 21��30��5���� ��wbr>���ļ����껯ʵ��GDP ��01��28��21��30��6���� ��wbr>1����Ъ���ѧ���������ָ����ֵ ��01��28�� 22��55��7���� ��wbr>�������������ʾ��鲢����������wbr> ��01��27��03��15��8���� ���ձ����й������ʾ���wbr> ��01��25�գ�9���� ��wbr> �����ɽ�����01��26�� 22��30��10����ʿ����˹ ���羭����̳2011����������01��26��-30�գ���һ���������һ����λ��1345-1346�ڶ�����λ��1352-1353 ��������λ��1359-1360��������λ��1364-1366��һ֧��λ��1337-1338�ڶ�֧��λ��1332-1333 ����֧��λ��1328-1329����֧��λ��1324-1325��ͨ�𡡡����ܿյ���ݵ�λ�ѻ����˽ᣬ�������пյ����ɸ��ֹ��287.5���� 286.7 light warehouse today into the air, stop 80 points, objective look at 284. spot silver profits last week under sites, continues to hold an empty form, you can change the stop loss near-5,970. 5,920 light warehouse today into the air, stop loss 40 points, objective look at 5,800. Skytone spot gold and silver point according to the latest news in real time and data to make timely adjustments, please note that the free SMS skytone gold account hotline: 15,038,384,148, account manager: Wang Cuicui QQ:765359187/172369301841